ITR Training Institute Webinars

Join us for our next Free Live/Virtual Webinar:

Wednesday, October 23 6:30pm ET

"How to have a Measurement-based Practice"

Danni Davis, LCSW-C, ITR-Traumatologist

Danni will review the ITR recommended assessments to use in a measurement-based practice and the benefits of using them.

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Watch A Few of Our Webinars For FREE!


Understand the Science Behind ITR.

By Juliet King, PhD, LMHC, LPC, ITR-CTS

This is an 60-minute webinar introducing the neuroscience behind Instinctual Trauma Response.   

Have a Work/Life Balance with an ITR Private Practice!

By Zandy Zetter, PhD, LMHC, ITR-Certified Traumatologist. 

Get results with your clients and get paid what you are worth.We save people's lives with ITR! Learn about opening a practice using ITR in various ways. Click here for the Handout.


Exploring ITR Results and Outcomes Overview

By Jill Opalesky, ATR-BC, ITR-CTS

Hear the results clinicians are finding in their practice using ITR for trauma recovery.