Become ITR Certified®  

Learn how to identify and resolve the root cause of traumatic stress symptoms. The ITR courses are available to anyone who wants to learn to “Resolve the trauma first and see what's left."

We want to invest in you!

Get ITR Certified with 4 Monthly Payments

ITR® Coursework  Approved

Many courses are approved by both the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) and the WV Board of Social Workers (WVBSW). Each course will be specific if it is approved for CEs or not.

The evidence-supported ITR takes a different approach to resolving trauma. Instead of “What’s wrong with a person?” the question becomes “What’s happened to the person?” and "Process the trauma first and see what's left."

ITR uses Graphic Narrative® to give structure, words, and historical context to fragmented traumatic memories without the individual reliving the events - and it gives the story an END! With Externalized Dialogue®, a person resolves issues with parts of themselves that hold onto negative beliefs and behaviors caused by the traumatic event. ITR is a holistic, non-invasive, gentle but effective trauma recovery approach.

What else is different about ITR Program?

  • Time to resolution – hours vs years: Unlike many other approaches, resolving a single traumatic event can happen quickly, even in as little as a 60-120 minute session.
  • Integrates seamlessly with other therapeutic approaches: Resolve the trauma first and see what's left. After the events are resolved, the ITR Specialist makes a health and wellness reommendation to help a survivor integrate back into life, live on purpose and thrive.
  • Can be used with both children and adults: This program can be applied to people as young as 3 – or 99. Preverbal traumas to recent events are all addressed and resolved with ITR.
  • Can be used for simple, complex, and generational traumas individually or in a group. ITR works the same no matter what the trauma and is effective with in-utero, birth, and preverbal traumas and in any service delivery format.

ITR®  Levels

Level 101 Intro to ITR  

Accelerated Traumatology Course (ATC) 101

The ATC 101 is an introduction to trauma and Instinctual Trauma Response®.  This course gives a person mental health first aid skills to de-escalate a situation where an individual is having a mental health challenge with trauma right away.  It is perfect for mental health practitioners, chaplains, coaches, educators, parents, first Responders, medical professionals, or support staff. This course allows a person to become trauma-effective and parts-informed. This is a prerequisite course for all other ITR courses. 

Some of the topic areas include:

  • What is Trauma
  • The History and Development Instinctual Trauma Response.
  • Psychoeducation
  • Grounding Yourself or Another Person
  • True-Self and Parts Concept
  • True Self/Parts Mapping
  • What is a Timeline 
  • Introduction to Graphic Narrative 
  • Introduction to Externalized Dialogue
  • Introduction to ITR Coaching

Level 102 ITR Simple  

Accelerated Traumatology Course (ATC) 102

This level 2 course is the second course of the 3 courses to become ITR Certified. It covers Graphic Narrative and Externalized Dialogue for simple traumas.

The learners must have completed the ATC 101 (1-Day) before this course. Each learner will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn Assessments
  • Review Grounding and Safe Place
  • Learn how to create a full Timeline and code it
  • Learn the difference between Simple, Extended, and Chapter Story Graphic Narratives
  • Learn how to conduct a simple Graphic Narrative
  • How to conduct a simple Unidentifed/Guided Externalized Dialogue
  • Learn how to facilitate ITR with different populations and situations.

This course is open to anyone regardless of licensure. ITR does not regulate the use of the skills learned in this course or any course it provides. It is up to each person to know the laws of their state and the scope of practice allowed at their education level.

102 Cohort Live/Virtual Sessions:

A learner who has chosen the ITR Certification Bundle joins the live/virtual sessions to review the course work:

  1. ITR recommended assessments (how to score and interpret them)
  2. Psycho-education and why ITR works
  3. A Safe Place sample with a description and guidelines used
  4. Concepts of True-Self and Parts with an example of a Parts map
  5. A Timeline 
  6. A simple (or extended) Graphic Narrative  re-presentation (1 needed)
  7. Show a completed Unnamed/Guided Externalized Dialogue. Use the same Graphic Narrative story if possible.


Level 103 ITR Complex

Become an ITR Certified® Trauma Specialist or Trauma Recovery Technician

 To become a Level 3 ITR Certified Trauma Specialist (or Trauma Recovery Technician) a person must complete the ATC 103, the live/virtual cohort sessions and 103 group consultation calls. 

This course is designed to take someone beyond simple to handle complex and compound trauma. The learner must demonstrate that they understand these concepts during the cohort and consultation calls and the exit call. 

103 Cohort Live/Virtual Sessions:

A learner who has chosen the ITR Certification Bundle joins the live/virtual sessions to review the course work:

  1. Present a complex timeline.
  2. Present a complex Graphic Narrative.
  3. Present an Externalized Dialogue.

We recommend level 103 students do their own trauma resolution work to be better prepared for their clients. A learner can register for the "Do Your Own Work" work privately with a trainer and do their trauma work intensively.

ITR does not regulate the use of these skills and every ITR  practitioner is responsible for knowing and following their state's or countries' laws.

103 Advanced Consultation Calls:

After a person finished their cohort they have 6 months to participate in 10 group consultation calls. They are required to do 2 case study presentations to prove advanced ITR Skills. A learner must also pass the exit call to be an ITR Certified® Trauma Specialist (ITR-CTS) or a Trauma Recovery Technician (ITR-CTRT)


Level 103 Re-certification Reboot.

The ITR certifications are valid for 2 years. 5 CEs from ITR Training Institute and a private 50-minute ITR Reboot Call are required every 2 years.

A person ITR Certified® that has been practicing ITR is welcome to just take the Reboot Call and pass to re-certify.

Anyone certified before January 2021 who has not been practicing is recommended to register for the Re-Certify with ITR Bundle that includes the ATC 102/103 self-paced course and a Reboot Call.

For best results register for the ATC 102/103 Master Class Certification Bundle with the live/virtual sessions and the 10 Group Consultation calls that include an Exit Call.

Being ITR-Certified will keep your name/practice current in the ITR Professional Directory. Requirements may be updated in the future.  

Elective Courses:

ITR Children 103  

There are different ways to facilitate ITR with children. Learn about the techniques and tools available for children depending on their age and developmental level.

Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS) 

Learn about the history and the use of the Formal Elements Art Therapy Scale (FEATS). This rating system is widely used by art therapists for use with PPATS ("Person Picking an Apple from a Tree"). 


Coming out soon!

Assessments 102: 

Learn about the ITR Assessments and why they are so crucial for evidence-based practice.

Group 102:

You will find great benefits in using a variety of ITR skills in group work. Learn how to facilitate ITR in a group setting.  

Couples 103  

Relationships are complicated by trauma. Learn how to work with couples using ITR and offer great tools to heal and grow relationships.

Advanced PsychoEducation 103

Learn the details of how the brain processes trauma and how the ITR works the way the brain works.

Advanced Military/First Responders 103 

Learn to work with those trained to respond to traumatic events. Health workers and first responders are in dire need of psycho-education and traumatic stress relief.


Level 104. ITR Certified® Traumatologist (ITR-CT) 

A Level 4 Certified Traumatologist (ITR-Certified® Traumatologist) must be currently licensed, have at least 2 years of using ITR "clean" as a clinician with frequent consultations, have taken all the ITR available courses, and have the ITR-CTS certification. They can also qualify as an ITR instructor for advanced courses after assisting with the required time. This certification is good for 2 years and requires 6 CEs every 2 years.  Call us for more information about becoming an ITR Trainer.


ITR helps clients address the effects of harm produced by trauma and stop the negative effects from continuing. It’s a trauma treatment approach that honors the whole person."

- Christy Pagels, LPC, ATR-BC

Instinctual Trauma Response®

Discuss opportunities with our traumatology faculty. Contact us today. 800-214-0403